What You Don’t Know About Social Security—but Should

My Comments: You may not agree with me but Social Security is a complicated issue. If you hope to find a quick and easy summary of what is implied by the title, you'll be disappointed. My assumption is that if you haven’t yet applied for Social Security benefits, that day will come, and statistics tell …

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THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – July 30, 2014

My Comments: I’m involved in a philosophical conflict these days between those on one side who believe there is a universal truth that says investment skill trumps traditional permanent life insurance every time. On the other side is someone who believes permanent life insurance trumps traditional investment methodologies. They argue vehemently that permanent life insurance …

Continue reading THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – July 30, 2014

Stocks Will Rise And The 3 Trades You Can’t Make

My Comments: Once again, the question of a market crash raises its ugly head. And once again, no one has a clue when it will happen. And once again, as I tell my clients and prospective clients, it really doesn’t matter if you have your money where it can grow regardless of when and how …

Continue reading Stocks Will Rise And The 3 Trades You Can’t Make

6 Strategies to Reduce Your Need for Money When You Retire

My Comments: These might seem like a no brainer. The financial media is awash with articles talking about how Americans simply don’t have enough money to retire. In the larger perspective, this, if true, is going to put enormous pressure on the government to subsidize the living cost of those who run out of money. …

Continue reading 6 Strategies to Reduce Your Need for Money When You Retire

The Hangover

My Comments: The blogosphere and financial press is increasingly filled with questions and presumed answers about the amount of time since the last market correction. The focus of each writers attention is to suggest doom is imminent or doom is not imminent. Personally, I have no idea when the next crash will happen, just that …

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Here’s All The Free Stuff You Can Get With Obamacare

My Comments: Damn. I knew this was too good to be true. This had to have been written earlier this year but it showed up just a few days ago. Must have come from the same people who wrote the code for HealthCare.gov. And yes, I know none of this is "free" but still. The …

Continue reading Here’s All The Free Stuff You Can Get With Obamacare

These 3 Charts Show The Amazing Power Of Compound Interest

My Comments: Math was not and remains not one of my strengths. But I understand this part. If you are younger than I am and have an opportunity to put some money to work, you need to push the envelope and make it happen. Whether you do or not, the price you pay for stuff …

Continue reading These 3 Charts Show The Amazing Power Of Compound Interest

25 Things You Should Do Before You Die

My Comments: This appeared in a financial planning magazine and really doesn’t need any comments from me. I’d only mess it up. Well, wait a minute. Years and years agao, before computers, social media and instant messaging, I read that every man should achieve three goals. They were to build a house, father a child …

Continue reading 25 Things You Should Do Before You Die

J.P. Morgan Weekly Market Recap – July 21, 2014

My original idea was to post these every week or so. (That didn't work out too well! ) Many people like to make their own investment decisions and this recap is a great way to gain insight into what is going on globally. This weekly broadcast from J. P. Morgan will give you some insights …

Continue reading J.P. Morgan Weekly Market Recap – July 21, 2014

Inflation Vs. Deflation

My Comments: Yes, It's Monday but please, don’t be turned off by the topic. I know economics is often a complicated and boring exercise, but what follows is not only compelling, but written so that most anyone will understand it. This is quite different from what you hear on television and from political pundits that …

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