Forms | Documents

Below you will find listed several documents that are either required by the State of Florida or simply designed to provide you with additional information. They are intended to help you evaluate us and hold us accountable for what we say and do. All can be looked at and downloaded for printing if that is your choice. Is there anything missing? Please let us know.

General disclaimer: From time to time there are going to be posts on this site that reference investments. These exist in an attempt by Tony Kendzior to give clients and prospective clients a glimpse into the world of money management. They are never intended to be specific recommendations. They should be seen as part of a tapestry from which to gain insight and direction as our financial lives move forward.

FWA Fact Finder and Questionnaire – This document allows a prospective client to summarize their circumstances in advance.

FWA Privacy Document – This document outlines our policy regarding private information about our clients.

FWA Earnings Disclaimer

FWA Terms and Conditions